Peugeot 2013 sales announced

Against the background of a European car & light commercial vehicle market that remains competitive on price, down slightly by 1.6 % and on track towards stabilisation during the second half, PEUGEOT adopted a sound commercial approach in 2013 by choosing more profitable channels of distribution.

However, PEUGEOT improved its performance in Europe during 2013 compared to 2012: down by 11.7 % in the first quarter, its registrations then recovered over the year to finish 3.5 % up in the fourth quarter.

The Brand achieved 897,000 registrations (743,000 cars and 154,000 light commercial vehicles), down by 6.1 %, for a market share of 6.5 %, against 6.8 % the year before.

This change reflects an unfavourable market mix, against the background of persistent weakness in the large southern European markets, traditionally the most important for the Brand.

In Central and Eastern Europe, in the context of a market that had stabilised globally, PEUGEOT saw its registrations increase by 6.3 %, with noticeable increases for the main markets in the region (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia).

In the European LCV market, PEUGEOT maintained its strong position with a quasi-stable market share of 10.5%.

With 673,000 assembled vehicles, the percentage of PEUGEOT’S sales outside Europe jumped from 39 to 43 %, in line with the Brand’s objective of achieving 50 % of its sales outside Europe by 2015.

2013 demonstrated the Brand’s acceleration in nearly all of the major regions in the world showing growth.

In China the biggest vehicle market in the world, PEUGEOT is outperforming with vehicle registrations growth of 25.8 % (+ 19 % for the market), at 272,000 units and a market share of 1.8% (1.7% in 2012).

In Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico) PEUGEOT registrations grew by 4.6% in a market up 2.9% albeit with contrasting results across the region.

In Argentina with 98,300 registrations, an increase of 21.6% - nearly double that of the market - PEUGEOT achieved a new historical record.

The successful launch of the PEUGEOT 208 should be noted in particular, on sale from summer 2013 and already in 2nd place in a B segment (second half), which accounts for 65 % of the Argentine market.

The PEUGEOT 208 will soon pass 600,000 units produced in Europe and Brazil since its launch in 2012. In 2013, 208 strengthened its position on the podium in the hotly contested European B2 hatchback segment, particularly in France, Belgium & Luxembourg, Holland, Portugal, and Denmark.

Worldwide sales of 1,553,000 vehicles down 8.7%

o   International strategy well underway with sales outside Europe up 10.9 %
o   Percentage of sales outside Europe : 43 %  (39 % in 2012)
o   Sales in China up strongly by 25.8 % : ahead of the market
o   Making progress in Latin America up 5 .8 %

Europe : 879,000 sales, down 7.2 %

o   Strategy to give preference to more profitable channels of distribution
o   Improved performance in the retail market
o   Bounce back during the 4th quarter : registrations up by 3.5%  


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